Singing Guide: The La De Das

Singing Guide: The La De Das

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

The La De Das is a blues-influenced rock band from New Zealand that gained popularity in the 1960s. If you want to learn to sing like The La De Das, you'll need to focus on developing a powerful, bluesy voice. Regrettably, there are not many online resources that specifically focus on the band's unique vocal style. Nonetheless, Singing Carrots has everything you need to learn the fundamentals of blues singing.

Begin by assessing your vocal range with our vocal range test, and assessing your pitch accuracy with our pitch accuracy test. Once you know your vocal range, you can start searching for songs to practice.

Blues music often relies on riffs and improvisation, so it is vital to get a good handle on the fundamentals of singing, such as proper breathing and voice control. Our breathing basics, voice registers and vocal break, breath support, and open mouth and throat articles will assist you in mastering the fundamental techniques of singing.

In addition to the fundamental techniques, we have a wide range of resources that will help you develop the bluesy singing style that is characteristic of The La De Das. Our articles on pop/Jazz vs classical singing and contemporary vocal techniques touch on the various vocal styles used in blues singing. Additionally, our singing with intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking article offers insights into interpreting songs from an emotional perspective.

Furthermore, our vocal distortion and growling article provides practical advice on how to produce a growling, throaty blues sound. Our singing with vibrato article, on the other hand, provides tips for adding vibrato to your singing, and our articulation article will assist you in mastering the enunciation of lyrics.

Finally, posture is critical when singing, and our articles on how posture affects singing and avoiding constrictions provide practical advice on keeping your body relaxed and open while singing.

To get started with your training, and begin to develop your bluesy singing voice, you can check out our educational singing course, in which we teach the fundamentals of singing and provide practical exercises to improve your vocal skills. In addition, our vocal pitch monitor and pitch training tools can assist you in refining your pitch accuracy and voice control. Our song search and artist vocal ranges resources will help you find songs that match your vocal range and genre preference, and our songbook tool will aid you in organizing your performance set with linked lyrics, sheet music, chords, karaoke, and YouTube audio.

With Singing Carrots' broad range of articles, exercises, and tools, you'll be well on your way to developing a powerful, bluesy voice like The La De Das in no time.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.